First off Dad, I'm sorry to say it is awesome you're coming to Indianapolis, but in the white handbook it says specifically no family visits because they can really distract from the work and can Influence me a lot emotionally. I'm sorry I would love to see you but that could be very detrimental to my focus on the work. I'm very sorry about that. And I understand about the Ipod its not a super big thing Elder Foster has some good music so I'm good for at least this transfer. One thing I would like though is some more fry sauce if you could do that :) I used my last bit of it this week so I am a very sad missionary... Just kidding but still hahaha. Thanks for the scripture though! Hopefully I am a better missionary than Corianton (the first time hahaha). Me and Elder Foster are doing great this week. We made some real progress with Aro and we think he will make his date of March 8th. Kalen though has been a real struggle. We have been unable to meet with him, which has been really frustrating to say the least. He has the desire to be baptised, but a lack of commitment. As far as the work goes that's been about it this week. Been pretty slow with a lot of tracting. And yes Mom I know about the emails. I need to get better at it. I will do my best to answer all emails. It sounds like life at home is progessing in a good direction. Everyone sounds like they are doing well. I will email Garret on some pointers for school (because we all know how good I was at that ;) ) But maybe I can help him out. I love you and hope you guys have a good week.
Love, Elder Braken Park
(In my letter to Braken this week, I kindof got after him for not writing people back and this was his response back to me. I also had shared with him a great missionary scripture found in Alma 42:31.)
It says:
31 And now, O my son, ye are called of God to apreach the word unto this people. And now, my son, go thy way, declare the word with truth and soberness, that thou mayest bbring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them. And may God grant unto you even according to my words. Amen.
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