Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week 11 E-mail Home

Dear Mom and Dad,
It has been another fantastic week in Indiana. I'm glad you guys got my letters and that you enjoyed them. I'll try and write you both every week. When I told Dad to stock up on ammo I mean it literally. the price of ammunition is going way up and it won't be long before it'll be scarce. I just want to make sure the family is protected while I'm gone. But anyway on to the week! This week has been going quite well, as me and Elder Litster (who I'm sure Christy and Jamie told you about), got to go on exchanges and be companions for a couple days. It was super fun to talk to him and hear all his crazy stories about Duchesne. So that was really fun. We taught one of the families in the ward, which is a cool experience in and of itself. We knew we wanted to share a mormon message, and Elder Clapier had suggested one, so we put it in the dvd player, and when we watched it the spirit flooded the room, and we knew we needed to share it. It's about a man who's family was killed in a car accident, and he through the atonement, was able to forgive the man who was responsible for the accident. when we watched that with this family, the spirit was definitely there. The mother though got very reserved after the video though, and I was worried that I had maybe showed one that was too extreme. But then yesterday at church, she pulled me aside and thanked me for the message we had shared. She said she hoped her husband could feel the spirit there, as he was downstairs and not a member. She told me that since then her husband had been doing a lot of soul searching, and spending a lot more time at home with the family. I was relieved to know that the choice was inspired and that I had taught according to the spirit. This is definitely an experience I will cherish. Luke, the 9 year old boy passed his baptismal interview, and is set to be baptised the 23rd, which sadly is 3 days after transfers. So I might not be around for it. Elder Clapier will be done training me, so one of us will be getting transferred, we just don't know who yet. As for a Christmas list, I could definitely use a GPS. We've been using Elder Rowberry's but he might be transferred as well. I could also use some music. The rule on music is that it has to invite the spirit so I trust your judgement on that one. I can't really think of anything else. What is the high adventure this year? I'd be very interested to know so maybe I could give some pointers to Garret. Anyway, I love you all, and have a fantastic week.
Love, Elder Braken Park

Could you send me my pocket knife? I'm sick of opening boxes with a dull knife we have at the apartment

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