Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 58 Email Home: Things are going so well!

Dear Mom and Dad,

This weeks been pretty crazy first off because we found someone new! Her name is Brenda and she manages this little Pizza place thats right behind our house that us and our landlord go to occasionally. Anyway last week our Landlord ordered us a pizza after we helped her in her shop and told us we needed to go pick it up. So we were sitting there waiting for it to get done and she just kinda started talking to us because she had seen us all the time. She basically read from preach my gospel concerns answered by the plan of salvation. She'd had Cancer and was really unsure about the future. And then Elder Williams just flat out shocked me when he stepped up and started talking to her! Normally I lead out on teaching people but he really stepped up and took charge. So we are gonna start teaching her in her pizza shop haha. Another cool thing is that she is looking for help in the shop and she mentioned to us to tell people about it. Well there's this Less Active member named Alicia we've been meeting with for a while who desperately needs a job to get out of a really bad situation. Well we mentioned it to her and to say we sent her. Well Alicia walked in and asked about the job and Brenda was super hesitant at first, but then when Alicia mentioned us she totally lit up and basically told her she has the job she just has to fill out an application. So a mission isn't only about helping people spiritually! It can be temporal help too! So anyway on to Kevin! His baby is due THIS WEEK! It seems so crazy because I remember back in july when he said he was due in October to me and Elder Sneddon, and we both thought there's no way we'll be here for that, well here I am! Chastity has been really sick as well as her kids, so we haven't been able to meet with them.... Bill is an interesting guy he has a bit of a trust issue so we have to warm him up slowly and really show him we care. On other things, the picture of the handcart was our district picture that transfer we thought it would be fun so we did it haha. Yes I did get the contacts and your letter thanks SO much for that! It seems like forever since I've got any letters haha I know I am terrible at sending them. It's just so hard to take time on pday and sit down and write a letter when you have a thousand other things you need to do. I am a size 11. Christmas already!? That's so Crazy! I can remember last year I was with the man the myth the legend Elder K Davis. I still talk to him occasionally he's been home for a good 8 months now. Anyway I can't really think of anything right now I'll let you know as I think of things. I love you guys have a great week!

Love, Elder Braken Park
P.S. Dad I hear from a pretty reliable source that your Cowboys are probably gonna get spanked by the Eagles just gonna throw that out there :)

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