Thursday, September 25, 2014

Week 55: Email Home: New Investigator

Dear Mom and Dad,
This week has been alright. Kevin made it to church this week but Chastity had to work. I'm loving my greenie though he is super sweet. He is super prepared and rearing to go. Katy is close to having the baby so we are close to having the answer to his baptism. He said he wants to wait until after she has the baby so we are waiting on that. It sounds like you guys had a pretty insane week though with the shinanegans at wendys haha. It's good that you found her those people were probably a tender mercy the Lord threw at you guys. That's super scary when stuff like that happens. I think the Lord recognises we are human though and wouldn't have let anything happen there. As far as everything else goes it's been good we picked up a new Investigator this week named Bill. He is an older guy who wanted to turn his life around and so he started meeting with us! He is super solid so we have high hopes for him. He wasn't able to make it to church though. Oh well we are meeting with him tomorrow. We'll see if he's still good then! Well that's pretty much everything it's been an uneventful week. Love you guys have a great week!
Love, Elder Braken Park

P.S. the pics are of Elder Bullock when we were making what we call Beatus Balls: crushed oreos and Cream cheese smothered in melted chocolate. Definitely gonna get the beatus

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